Ah the fall. It's my second favourite season. I love the crisp wind on a sunny day, the trees look amazing with their multi-coloured leaves lining the streets of my neighbourhood, the cozy fall fashion. While the excitement of the return of my favourite TV shows has created a euphoric effect in the Fukuyama abode, I have been struggling with how to continue my Vampire obsession that has become stronger thanks to Streefy. True Blood's season came to an end the other week and the thought of going for the next 9 months sans a weekly fix of Vampires evokes feelings I usually reserve for the mid-Vancouver-winter blues.
Thankfully the Vampire craze has also taken a hold of Hollywood and a new series has popped up to sustain the addiction through yet another tv season - Vampire Diaries. I've only seen 2 episodes and while it's not an HBO TV series, it will keep the sad, depressing feelings at bay, at least until the true Vancouver winter blues set in.
With the Vampire obsession taken care of, I have been free to explore what new series I will be following this fall and which ones I'm over. I have started to watch Glee, which is a TV version of a musical. While I'm not 100% sold on it yet, Jane Lynch, who plays the cheerleading coach out to disband the Glee club, is currently enough to keep me interested, as is the curiosity to find out if all these people actually do their own singing.
I have also started watching Mad Men, yes I'm aware - a couple of years late to the party, especially considering they just recently won the Best Drama Series at the Emmys. Just need to catch up on the first two seasons and I'm sure it'll be making regular appearances on my PVR.
While sadly Pushing Daisies and Eli Stone are cancelled, I'm very excited about the return of Dexter, House, Dollhouse, The Unusuals and Southland to name a few.
I have a feeling I will not be having much of a life this fall, unless I find myself a cute boy who loves TV as much as I do.
Hello Little Corn, Home for now
10 years ago
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