Well, the cats have commandeered the couch, leaving me the table I call a desk to sit at. I figured while I'm sitting here, I might as well blog.
I got woken up this morning by a phone call from the Telus installation guy, who was slated to arrive between 10am-12pm today. He called at 9:23am. He arrived at 9:35am. I guess I'm just lucky that I live one block away from a Telus office. (can you hear the sarcasm? haha)
Needless to say, I've been up way earlier than I prefer to be on a Saturday, yet somehow the day has slipped away from me. It's almost 3pm and I have less than 3 hours before I have to be downtown pretending to be photographer extraordinaire at a friend's christmas party. But I think the worst part of it all, somewhere between getting a cup of tea and sitting back down at the desk, I've completely forgotten what I was going to blog about!
Maybe I should've have had another cup of coffee this morning. Oh well. Here's the a happy weekend to everyone!
Hello Little Corn, Home for now
10 years ago
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