In a couple of days, Kmay, Streefy and I will be running the Vancouver half marathon, our second as a running trio. While I'm happy to report that running didn't break me like it did last summer, I am kind of excited for all the training to be over.
This past weekend's run was supposed to be 10 km, what would've been a welcomed change compared to the 17.5 km we did the week before which was grueling, painful and all around unpleasant. But at about 9 pm on Friday I got a text from Kmay and Streefy telling me to go get drunk because they were, and since it was going to be raining Sat morning, we might as well take advantage of the free night and get blitzed. Which we all did.
Now that we're extra prepared for the 21.1 km this coming weekend, if anyone happens to be around BC Place on May 2nd, around say...9:00/9:30am....please come by and say hi and feel free to cheer us on, believe me, I'm sure we'll need all the extra encouragement we can get to cross the finish line. Plus we're going for a greasy spoon type breakfast after the run which you're more than welcome to tag along for.
Hello Little Corn, Home for now
10 years ago
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