So last year I ended up spending New Year's alone with the cat. Not a bad night per se, but kinda sad and pathetic when you don't have anyone to verbally wish Happy New Year to and all you get are badly spelled text messages from all your drunk friends.
This year I decided I wanted to be the one sending out mis-spelled drunk text messages at midnight and I opted to join Wayne at J Lounge. There would be some old Riptown cohorts in attendance and one could only hope that they were nowhere near us when they reached the belligerent drunk stage.
We arrived, in the rain, tickets in hand, and were greeted by a gigantic line up to get inside. Losing the buzz we had going on because we had to stand in the rain was not the best way to start the night.
We finally made it in and soon realized this was a total asian party and we kinda stood out. And by "we", I mean everyone except Jina and I. Especially Keanu, who's a) the strongest man I know and b) like 6'7" or something ridiculous like that. (Although, that did come in handy when I needed to find everyone.)
The rest of the evening passed quickly. Saying a brief hello to ex-coworkers, getting picked up and thrown over Keanu's shoulder, having some twat with stilettos step on my foot and badly bruise it to the point where I almost couldn't wear shoes the next day (not that I had a need to wear shoes since I spend the day on the couch), and who can forget, getting to meet Wayne's girlie who was visiting from T-dot and is the first girlie I've seen him with in the past 4 years or so. (Fully aware, I might be the only one that finds this fact exciting but still...).
All in all, not a bad NYE, especially considering I didn't throw up at the end of the night. I might not have remembered parts of the night, like being picked up and thrown over Keanu's shoulder until I saw the pictures, but I didn't throw up! :)
Hello Little Corn, Home for now
10 years ago
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