I've been trying to decide on a new template for a few weeks now and man, is it hard! I mean, I know I hate making decisions as is, but when faced with so many options - seriously, it's time for eenie meening minee moh.
The more I stared at the various templates, the less I started to care. So I forced myself into some sort of elimination process. First to go were the templates with slideshows/magazine/online newpaper styles. Let's face it - I'm not nearly interesting enough to fill that much content on a blog. I then quickly realized that a 3 column layout also required me to lead a far more entertaining life for others to live vicariously through than I was prepared to lead. The only path left was of course, to group them by colours.
After hours of careful review (ok so maybe it was like a 10 min scan) I've finally narrowed it down to three. What do you guys think?
Hello Little Corn, Home for now
10 years ago
Hmmmmm...... I like 1 then 3... can you change the captioned picture in 3?
December 1, 2009 at 1:50 PMJ :-)
Hmm..not sure if I can change the picture but I should find out.
December 1, 2009 at 2:48 PMPost a Comment