This was the lovely sound I woke up to at 2:30am last night, only 2 hours after having fallen asleep. Apparently the loyal patrons of the Beagle across the street had decided that though the bar was closed, and it was the wee hours of the morning, they were not prepared to call it a night just yet. As they loitered outside of the bar on Broadway, someone had apparently objected to the preferred location for their after hours antics and called the cops. Having grown accustomed to the 2:30am noise, I didn't actually hear it until 3 cop cars rolled up, sirens blaring. Following that, a voice over the loud speaker started shouting instructions to the crowd, one of which was "Get out of my way and go home or go to jail"
Since by then I was fully awake, I decided to check it out. There were actually 4 police cars stopped on the corner, I must have slept through the first siren, one car was actually on the sidewalk. There were about 6 cops lined up beside the Beagle patio trying to either convince people to go home or just look intimidating. Neither was really working.
Various reactions to the cops' presence could also be heard. You had everything from the angry drunks who were swearing and attempting to defy the cops while their friends tried to calm them down and put them in a cab home, to love drunks who love everyone and needed to yell at each other across the street about how much they love each other one last time before stumbling home.
While the 6 cops' attempts at disbursing the crowd were, "admirable", it wasn't really until the paddy wagon appeared that people finally got the hint that the cops were serious about arresting anyone who wouldn't vacate the area. Shortly after, the street was quiet and the police lights disappeared, and I managed to fall back into a restful deep sleep, at least until the cat decided to wake me up.
Hello Little Corn, Home for now
10 years ago
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