You know its going to be a good weekend, when this is the first thing that gets put up on your houseboat.

I headed up this weekend to Shushwap for a little houseboating adventure. After arriving Thursday night and meeting everyone, we headed out friday morning onto the lake with Captain JT at the helm. We spent the day driving around the lake, jumping in the lake, floating on the lake, basking in the sun and of course, a water balloon fight - tough life, I know.

That night, as per houseboating tradition, we parked at Nelson beach along with all the other houseboats, 99% of which turned out to be douchie boats. But really, if you were a girl just looking to get some nookie - hit up Nelson beach as there were plenty of boats full of boys. A word of advice though, some may be hot but you might want to avoid talking as it may ruin the moment. I've heard gagging works well...just saying.
As the night progressed, one boat brought out massive speakers and cranked the MJ tunes. As we rocked out to MJ songs, Keanu thought it would be entertaining for everyone to show up in his hot pink, very short undies. They are, I'm sure, related to Tighty Whities. This prompted Tyler to drop trou and show off his very short red undies. Must say, was not expecting them to walk around in their version of Never Nudes, although on the ride up Keanu did warn me that last year he spent most of the time in his underwear, so kinda happy the pink undies only made one guest appearance and that was it.
Most of us proceeded to dance & party our way into the wee hours of the morning (cough, Keanu, cough) and as everyone slowly went to bed, a couple of the gals decided a post-drinking snack was in order, only to have Justin yell at them to "take it to your fucking room!" His objection was apparently to the "tink tink tink tink tink" noise of the cereal into the bowl followed by the "glug glug glug glug glug" noise of the milk in his "room" aka the kitchen. Frozen in fear, the girls wisely decided to not return the dishes to Justin's room and instead give him shite about it the next day.
The following night, after a failed attempt to build a fire, Ron & Justin decided to go on a Man Quest to find supplies. Ron had already found some pieces at a beach we had docked at earlier in the day, but once at Nelson it was decided that, of course, we needed more wood. (Eva was apparently quite successful at finding wood that night - fyi). As the girls and I were sitting on the beach looking up at the stars (or trying to make the world stop spin) all of a sudden we see Ron walk by carrying what looked like a small tree. 10 seconds later, Justin walked by holding the other end of the tree. Without even breaking stride, we got a nod hello and they kept on walking. Kinda felt like the Dwarfs from Snow White when they go off to work, except taller.
After successfully creating fire, the 12 of us proceeded to take over a dance party on someone else's boat and totally rock out for an undetermined amount of time - aka I don't really remember this part of the night. The night ended with Shawn having a bit of a tantrum because he wanted to go find a party with hot girls (sorry budz, there weren't many) while the rest of us hung out be the fire before calling it a night.
Unfortunately the next day after a bit more of this
and this
and this (the wieners, not Justin's creepy/excited look at cooking the wieners)
we were forced off the boat and told to go home, so thus ended a most fantastic weekend.

Pictures courtesy of Tyler.
Wow a 6 hour car ride home and I don't even get a pity mention!! Haha good trip report none the less. Though I did save Shawn from his no-party tantrum.
July 16, 2009 at 7:50 PMThe 6 hr car ride home was enough content for a book! :) Too much happened in 3 days to put into one post though, for reals.
July 16, 2009 at 10:24 PMAwesome photos!!
July 22, 2009 at 12:21 PMPost a Comment