Ever wonder about the life of a cab driver? I was walking to the bus the other day and saw a cabbie parked on the side of the road, seat back and taking a nap. So I started reminiscing about my cab ride experiences and have ranked them from best to worst for you reading pleasure:
- Chatting along to the cabbie as if you've been lifelong friends. Ok, that was only in Dublin, but still.
- I met a cabbie who took a minor detour (without charging me) to return a dropped cell phone to the previous fare. He was a nice cheery sort of fellow and we had a great chat about the Olympics and hockey all the way downtown.
- Taken a cab where the driver barely said more than 5 words to me. Ironically that was in Vancouver and not New York like I had expected.
- One day, as I waiting for my ride to vball, I had some random cabbie drove by me, not once, but twice, honking at me to see if I needed a ride. What, am I suddenly in Acapulco again? (Mexican cabbies honk at you like that).
- And the worst cab ride I've ever taken, the cabbie wouldn't stop talking/complimenting me (every girl loves to be complimented, but when it's every other sentence, it's a bit much) and then proceeded to continuously offer me a hug and a back rub when we got to my destination. That was kinda awkward/borderline creepy and basically put me off that cab company for life.
The end.
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