Walk About

The days are getting longer in Vancouver which really only means one thing to me - summer is just around the corner! Throw in the lovely sunny days we've been having and it's almost down right pleasant. Aside from the freezing cold air that numbs any expose body part in about 2.5 seconds

This weekend was so nice out, I headed downtown for a photo walk with my friend Frank. I managed to snap a few shots, including this one of an abandoned ski pole in the downtown business district.

My Nemesis

Constantly teasing. Constantly calling my name. Taunting me, daring me to cave. Whispering sweet nothings in my ear.

How does one resist? My will power goes out the window. I try and distract myself but nothing works. Why do I love you so much Salty Goodness?!?!

Yes. That's right. You read it correctly. Salty Goodness. My nemesis is Salty Goodness.

Lately it has been in the form of tortilla chips or the ever so tasty Baked White Cheddar Chips from Kettle. It takes all my will power not go to on a daily Salty Goodness hunt. (Although at least at work I know CT & Chels will help me devour an entire bag of tortilla chips in 2.5 seconds so I won't eat the whole bag to myself.)

As I'm typing this, the plate of chips in the photo below are across the room and I keep getting up after typing each sentence to go take a chip or two.

Sigh, can someone please donate their will power?

Note to Self Sunday: Pizza Pizza

I love to eat. I mean, seriously, who doesn't? And depending on what I'm eating, I can eat a lot.

The other night, having had a craving all day, I picked up a frozen pizza from the grocery store. I ate the whole thing. I didn't see anything wrong with this, considering I've also been known to eat an entire Earl's pizza in one sitting.

When I hit the hay 2 hrs later I suddenly felt ill. I figured it was either nausea, heartburn or indigestion. Or possibly all 3. Regardless, I couldn't sleep. Everytime I laid down I felt like I was going to throw up. I had to prop myself up and sleep in a half sitting position all night! Let me tell you, it was not pleasant.

Note to self: Eating a whole pizza 2 hrs before going to bed, not a good idea. Actually, in general, eating a whole pizza is not a good idea.

We Have To Talk

Well somehow the end of this week go away from me. Between dinner with Gina, Hell's Kitchen's grand re-opening and drinks with the folks from work, suddenly it's Sat and I haven't had time to write, much less take pictures.

Today's post was inspired by catching up with this week's PVR'd shows. It's to the point where I feel the need to hold an intervention...for myself. I watch a lot of TV. The amount of TV I watch probably rivals my friend Scotty's, except that I'm sure he watches quality TV shows with good writing, acting, etc. I, on the other hand, have pretty low standards for my TV show selection.

I recently switched to Telus and I made a list of all the shows I record during the week. Now before I tell you how many tv shows I record, let's keep in mind that some were on break since they are summer shows, and a couple had been cancelled but I just hadn't gotten around to deleting the series recording.

The list took me 20 mins to write. 20 mins! Turns out, I was recording 35 tv shows! Seriously, 35 shows!! In a single week! (Can I use more explanation marks!!)

Even with my low standards, I find this number ridonkulously high. The amount of time I spend watching said 35 TV shows during a given week, well, let's just say I've become an expert procrastinator. It's what my evenings revolve around. It's the first thing I think of when the idea of putting something off enters my mind. I've even said I was busy when friends invite me out, just so I can stay home and watch TV (ok I lied, I said that for effect, but I wouldn't put it past me).

It's an issue. It's a commitment. I'm having a relationship with my PVR. No wonder I have cats.

Wedding Bells!!

Ok, so before anyone gets too excited, it's not for me.

My sister's 30th birthday was this past weekend, and as a birthday gift, her boyfriend gave her the best gift ever - he proposed!

If you've ever met them, you would instantly see how perfect they are for each other and how much love there is between them. They are the definition of true love. It's beautiful, amazing, wonderful and re-affirms my belief that there is a soulmate out there for everyone.

Big hugs to both of them!!!

I cheated on this week's photo because I took this a while ago, but it's the only photo I have of him smiling nicely :)

P.S. I'm now taking bets to see how long until she's preggos :)